About Us
Lighthouse is a charity that supports artists who use digital technology in their work and helps people find routes into and succeed within the creative & cultural industries. From our central Brighton venue, we offer education and talent development programmes, commission artists to make and present new work, and produce exhibitions, talks and residencies.
Our internationally acclaimed talent development initiatives including Lighthouse Young Creatives and Guiding Lights have seen us help young people in Brighton & Hove kickstart their creative careers; provide professional development to women working in the male dominated sound and music sectors in Brazil; and match mentors at the top of the film industry with emerging filmmakers, who have gone on to achieve BAFTA and Oscar-winning success.
We’re excited and inspired by art that uses digital technology in innovative ways. Over the past 30 years we’ve worked with internationally renowned and emerging artists and filmmakers, including Haroon Mirza, Peter Middleton & James Spinney, Lynette Wallworth, The Otolith Group, Kutlug Ataman, Matthew Herbert, Metahaven, David Blandy, Larry Achiampong, Trevor Paglen, Blast Theory, Invisible Flock, and Rafael Lozano Hemmer and in 2021, we proudly directed Brighton Digital Festival’s 10th edition.